Prague, October  29, 2022 – The EUHubs4Data project has announced its third call for companies, a subsidy of up to EUR 60,000 and non-financial support in the range of another EUR 70,000 can be obtained. The deadline for applications to the project is November 9, 2022.

In this 3rd call with a total budget of 1,080,000 EUR, EUHubs4Data wants to select and finance 18 innovative experiments fully exploiting the potential of digital innovation hub services and/or datasets from the EUHubs4Data catalog with zero own co-financing. Small and medium-sized companies or groups of researchers who are interested in developing a completely new service built on data in the project can apply. The duration of the experiment is 9 months. In addition to the EUR 60,000 subsidy, the successful applicant will also receive a voucher for the services of the participating DIHs (12 digital innovation hubs from 10 European countries) in the amount of up to EUR 70,000.

More information was provided on the Czechinno InfoDay professional webinar on current cascade financing projects.

CzechInno, as one of the Czech partners of the project, together with Masaryk University and the CyberSecurity Hub, provide free consultations.
Tomáš Sapák – Masaryk University Faculty of Informatics (technological issues):
Tereza Šamanová – CzechInno (application process):

The European Federation of Data Driven Innovation Hubs aims to consolidate data-driven innovation and experimentation within Europe, support collaboration between data-driven initiatives, pool solutions into a global common catalog of data services, and share data on a cross-border scale even across sectors.

More information about the project:
DIH services: