Digital Transformation 2023 in Olomouc

Digital Transformation 2023 in Olomouc

On Tuesday, 7 November, the Fortress of Knowledge in Olomouc will host another regional event from the Digital Transformation 2023 or Successful Transformation of Czech Companies into Enterprises of the Future series.

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This year’s cycle of regional events Digital Transformation 2023 successfully started today in České Budějovice

This year’s cycle of regional events Digital Transformation 2023 successfully started today in České Budějovice

This year’s series of regional debates, excursions and practical demonstrations of digitalization in everyday corporate life with the overall title Digital Transformation 2023 was launched today with the first regional event in České Budějovice. The Roadshow is subtitled “..or Successful transformation of Czech companies into businesses of the future” and aims to discuss the environmental, social and economic impulses for advanced digitalization and to show nationwide and regional examples of good practice from the everyday life of Czech companies. The project was prepared by CzechInno together with partners of the Hub for Digital Innovation

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The implementation of the Czech experiments passed the first successful phase

The implementation of the Czech experiments passed the first successful phase

November 7, 2022 – In June of this year, a total of 36 companies were selected, which in nine new regions (including the Czech Republic and the capital city of Prague) were given the opportunity to implement their experiments with a subsidy from the BOWI project in the amount of €60,000. At the end of October, three ongoing Czech experiments were successfully evaluated and one new experiment was accepted.

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Smart Business Festival already on November 9 in Tower Park Prague

Smart Business Festival already on November 9 in Tower Park Prague

Prague, November 3, 2022 – After a year, the successful information, presentation, contact and networking event focused on the promotion of unusual and innovative projects, tools and technologies is returning. Smart Business Festival CZ 2022 will be broadcast in style this year from the Žižkov broadcasting tower (Tower Park Prague) on Wednesday, November 9, 2022 from 9:00 a.m.

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Currently open call from the EUHubs4Data project

Currently open call from the EUHubs4Data project

Prague, October 29, 2022 – The EUHubs4Data project has announced its third call for companies, a subsidy of up to EUR 60,000 and non-financial support in the range of another EUR 70,000 can be obtained. The deadline for applications to the project is November 9, 2022.

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Smart Export Forum 2022 Czechia & Ukraine deepened mutual cooperation

Smart Export Forum 2022 Czechia & Ukraine deepened mutual cooperation

14/10/2022 – The fourth annual Smart Export Forum conference, which took place this year as part of the International Engineering Fair at the Regional Economic Chamber in Brno, focused on strengthening business cooperation in the field of digital innovation between the Czech Republic and Ukraine. Current and newly outlined joint projects were also supported by the Memorandum on Czech-Ukrainian cooperation in the field of digital innovations.

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Smart Export Forum 2022 is successfully behind us

Smart Export Forum 2022 is successfully behind us

Smart Export Forum 2022 took place today in Brno, this time focusing on trade and research cooperation between the Czech Republic and Ukraine. The participants of the event gained information about what is changing in cooperation in the field of development and what the perspectives are.

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The Visionaries competition presented the award to the best innovative projects and the Personalities of the project Visionaries 2021

The Visionaries competition presented the award to the best innovative projects and the Personalities of the project Visionaries 2021

Prague, May 5, 2022 – The winners of the eleventh year of the Visionaries competition personally received their awards after the winter covid break. This year, environmentally oriented innovations and those that respond to social and economic developments after the onset of the pandemic scored significantly. Six entities received the title of Visionary 2021, honorable mentions were awarded by an expert jury to ten innovative works, and Tomáš Mocek, head of the HiLASE center of the Institute of Physics of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, became the Personality of the Visionary 2021 project.

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In Prague and online on 22nd September: Smart Export Forum 20201, the first post-brexit event to promote CZ-UK cooperation in the field of digital innovation

In Prague and online on 22nd September: Smart Export Forum 20201, the first post-brexit event to promote CZ-UK cooperation in the field of digital innovation

Prague, 10 September 2021: in twelve days, Prague will host an interesting event to promote digital cooperation between the SMEs and research organisations from the Czech Republic with their counterparts from the United Kingdom. The third annual Smart Export Forum 2021 will take place on 22 September 2021 in Artemis Hotel Prague and will feature selected most promising digital disciplines as artificial intelligence, cybersecurity, virtual reality and blockchains and presentations of the Czech and UK enterprises and organisations interested in cooperating in these areas.

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Smart Business Festival

Chceme nabídnout širokou škálu nástrojů, kterých mohou využít pro zefektivnění svého podnikání při využití technologických, sociálních a ekonomických inovací.
Více o projektu

Smart Export Hub

Největší letošní akce Smart Export Fórum nabízí Vaší firmě osobní setkání s významnými exportéry z Japonska, Jižní Koreji a Singapuru a oblastí Hongkongu a Tchaj-wanu.


Projekt Vizionáři vznikl již před 9 lety a jeho cílem je ocenit přední české firmy, podnikatele a konkrétní autory inovativních produktů, výrobků, postupů či služeb.
Více o projektu

Digitální Transformace CZ 2020

Podpořte svoji digitální zralost! Umožníte Vaší firmě plynulý a bezpečný přechod k digitálním technologiím a dosáhnout tak výrazně lepších výsledků při svém podnikání.