Czechia & Ukraine            

Informational, contact and networking event to support B2B cooperation in the field of digital innovations

Regional Chamber of Commerce Brno & online

6 October 2022


8:30 – 9:00

Registration of the participants, opening of the videoconference

9:00 – 9:45


Opening speeches of Smart Export Forum 2022

Petr Ocko, Deputy Minister for Digitalisation and Innovation, Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Czech Republic

Jaroslav Kurfürst, Deputy Minister for European countries, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic

Jiri Preclik, Director of Economic Section of the Embassy of the Czech Republic in Kyiv

9:45 – 10:30

Strategic support of CZ – UA collaboration

Information about current situation in the B2B collaboration between the Czech Republic and the Ukraine and its support

Martin Pospisil, Director of Department of Economic Policies I, Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Czech Republic

Vojtech Rejmis, Export Consultant of CzechTrade Agency

Alexandre Yurchak, Ukrainian Cluster Association

10:30 – 13:00

Smart B2B

Examples of good practices and concrete offers of cooperation from Czech and Ukrainian stakeholders in selected emerging sectors

10:30 – 11:00


 Tomas Pitner, Coordinator of Cybersecurity Innovation Hub

  Igor Kotsuba, CEO iSolutions

         Andriy Stolbov, CEO SoftElegance

11:00 – 11:30

Smart Manufacturing and Industry 4.0

 Tomas Kubala, President of Industry 4.0 Cluster

 Alexandre Yurchak, CEO APPAU

        Olexiy Scherbatenko, Partner at IT-Enterprise

       Andriy Stolbov, CEO SoftElegance

         Eduard Trotsenko, Infocom Ltd.

11:30 – 12:00

Education and Support for SMEs in Advanced Manufacturing

 Tereza Samanova, Member of the Board and CEO of CzechInno

         Philip Williamson, Principal Engineering  

 Volodymyr Rodchenko, Prof. Karazina Business School / Kharkiv EAM Cluster

        Vitaliy Zaitzev, CEO STEP / coordinator of Kharkiv EAM Cluster

        Alexandre Yurchak, CEO APPAU

12:00 – 12:30

Smart Regions

 Jozef Regec and Martin Babuska, Czech Smart City Cluster 

 Anatoliy Dolynnyy, Utility sector / Ukrainian Cluster Alliance

        Yuriy Shchyrin, CEO AIM Group

         Vladuslav Kondus, coordinator of Sumy Energy Equipment Cluster

         Eduard Trotsenko, Infocom Ltd.

12:30 – 13:00

Conclusions and formulation of outputs

Final remarks, termination of the online streaming

13:00 – 14:00

Smart Export Round Table

Non-public consultations and setting of Action Plan of CZ-UA collaboration

Networking with light lunch

 Working language of the conference is English.


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